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AMA Recap Glitch & Cryptoiz

AMA Recap Glitch & Cryptoiz

First Question lets start introduction from @aramglitch and @paskah_glitch

My name is Aram, I am the marketing manager for glitch. I’ve been in the crypto industry for over 5 years and in traditional marketing. Love the space and happy to be here.

I have also built my own private gaming community back in 2010 that grew to over 250K registered forum users.

That sparked my passion for community building

Singkatnya nama saya Paskah sudah bergabung bersama Glitch kurang lebih dalam 1 tahun terakhir sebagai Glitch Indonesia Lead; buat yang belum tau Glitch Indonesia adalah komunitas regional pertama oleh Glitch jadi boleh join yaa 

Saya sudah dalam industri blockchain dalam 2-3 tahun terakhir kira-kira, sangaatt entusiass!

Q2 : Describe about glitch in 1-2 line

Glitch Protocol blockchain yang dibagun dari awal atau mudahnya disebut layer 1 blockchain yang berdedikasi dalam dApps dibangun untuk alternatif pasar keuangan tradisional. Intinya Glitch ingin menjadi alternatif yang “lebih baik” dalam akses, biaya, dan keamanan.

Q3 : What your advantage from other blockchain ? 

We are integrating a unique revenue sharing model that will distribute revenues to GLCH token holders from all participating dapps. Additionally, we are kickstarting the ecosystem with a flagship dapp called the GEX, that will bring high liquidity to the ecosystem *initially*.

Also, other L1 blockchains are a “Jack of all trades” while glitch is niche specifically for defi money market applications. What does this mean? For example, it’s best to launch a lending protocol, NFT market place, etc. As they will be the most scalable and utilized.

Q4 : Detailed Glitch Quarterly Project roadmap you can view our roadmap breakdown on the glitch website here. It is updated on a bi-weekly basis, and once phase 3 is complete then phase 4 breakdown will be announced. 

These phases we are speaking of is the public mainnet launch (GLITCH)

Q5 : What revenue stream for glitch ecosystem ?

The revenue sharing is a model we are creating to redistribute revenues from dapps to token stakers (nominators) and validators. 

Revenues from the dapps are used to pay off transaction fees (as much as possible so It stays low and stable for as long as possible). Tokens from the GEX (non-native glch or other GRC20 tokens from the ecosystem) are used to repurchase GLCH and distributed to all network participants.

Please read up on here 

We are also still WIP in development for this model

Q6 : Where is core team based and what is cureent team size ?

Glitch adalah proyek global dengan tim member yang multinasional atau berasal dari berbagai negara. Contohnya saya sendiri dari Indonesia dan Aram, United States. Saat ini tim kami sekitar 20 orang dengan 5 orang di bagian komunikasi dan pemasaran; dan lainnya di bagian tech dan organisasional

Q7 : Describe all aspect glitch token economy

Value accrual for the GLCH token? Easy. 

Fundamentally designed to generate value accrual for the network, GLCH is the lifeblood of the GLITCH blockchain.

Segment 2

Q1 : What strategy will you implement to bring non-crypto-natives into your ecosystem? How do you keep a balance between developing the technology and also improving the value of your token?

Non-crypto natives are still learning the value proposition to crypto and defi. We are building glitch with this in mind as we want the network to become globally adopted some day. Therefore ease of use (UXUI) and a scalable blockchain is a requirement for mass adoption. 

We are also planning for some marketing campaigns that will drive awareness.

Q2 : Your vision and mission are good, according to the website. However, it requires a significant amount of user traffic to be long-term viable. What marketing plan do you have in place to boost the credibility of your project’s brand and enhance mainstream adoption ?

I can go into some details about what we are doing now while the tech team continues to build GLITCH tech. 

We are putting together several campaigns that will coincide with the tech releases. Each campaign will run for a set of “X” weeks and will run for a set of “Y” weeks. It will include community AMAs, PR, organic content, spotlight interviews via our partnered projects / leaders, etc. The most important though, will be the following : token relock (will happen), staking campaign (in discussions if we will do another), and a liquidity program that we are discussing as well. On top of that, we are going to begin activating the partnerships and integrations once tech is ready. For example, smart contracts will need a GLCH price feed (chInlink), the GEX will need additional liq via orion’s LBP, etc. All marketing content as well, plus the glitch ecosystem gets built up and you all see it in real time. 

Hopefully I answered your question. 💪👌

The focus has been on organic content over the last few months and will be shortly pivoting to a strategy that will work wot

Q3: What consensus mechanism does the Glitch Protocol use?

Decay nominated proof of stake (dNPoS) Glitch is built using the substrate framework GRC20 token standard, currently it is tradable as an ERC20 and BEP20

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