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AMA Recap with Mars Ecosystem

AMA Recap with Mars Ecosystem

Segment 1 – Questions From Cryptoiz

Host: Yipiii! Are you ready?

Koh: Today we welcome Mars Ecosystem, the world’s first stablecoin Defi ecosystem.
MarsEcosystem, now one of the hottest projects on the BSC, just won the BSC MVBIII Monthly Star for September!

In September, Mars Ecosystem just launched its own Farms & Pools and the TVL already reached 🔥$600M. At the same time, maintaining an APR of up to 500%.

Also, following another increase in CAKE rewards on November 5th, the daily rewards to users are now up to $500,000.

Check out their Website:

Host: Could you please introduce yourself first and share with us the background of the Mars Ecosystem team?

Koh: Of course! Hello everyone. I am Koh Indonesian Community Manager of Mars Ecosystem. I will be your guide and friend for the journey to Mars.

And yes I am quite familiar with the Mars team. John is the founder and CEO of Mars Ecosystem, and an avid fan of Defi and blockchain technologies.
John has a PhD in Finance from Stanford University and has many years of experience in the financial sector. Because of this, John is very familiar with the theory and applications of economics and finance in DeFi.

Mars Ecosystem team members are all early practitioners of the Internet and Blockchain with a solid background in finance, our team members are also Graduates from prestigious universities, and the team has many years of cross-terminal capabilities, Including financial backgrounds and mature Defi industry experience.
We all have firm beliefs and grand visions for blockchain technology and Defi!
The goal of the Mars Ecosystem is to build the central bank and reserve currency of the DeFi world.
The MarsDAO and Mars Community work together to bring Financial Stability and Transparency to the world economy and even further…

Host: I heard that many investment institutions have already invested in the Mars Ecosystem. Can You tell us, so far, which institutions have invested?

Koh: Our Seed funding attracted investment from several significant blockchain funds, including Continue Capital, Parallel Ventures, Kernel Ventures, and YBB Foundation. All these investment institutions, including Continue Capital, have a deep understanding of the field of decentralized stablecoins. We are so glad to have their trust and support.
Read more details here:

Host: Can you introduce the main products of Mars Ecosystem ?

Koh: Mars Ecosystem aims to overcome all the challenges of decentralized stablecoins with a system that offers high price stability, scalability, and a high degree of decentralization.
Mars Ecosystem consists of three parts: Mars Treasury, Mars Stablecoin and Mars DeFi
protocols. It integrates the creation and use of stablecoin into the same system.
The goal of the Mars Ecosystem is to build the central bank and reserve currency of the DeFi world.

Host: There are already many stablecoin protocols in the market. So what does the Mars Ecosystem do differently?

Koh: Although there are many stablecoin protocols in the market, none of them can meet the three basic requirements of high price stability, high decentralization and high scalability at the same time.
Mars Ecosystem aims to overcome these challenges with a stablecoin system that offers high price stability, scalability, and a high degree of decentralization.
The Mars Ecosystem also solves the two fundamental problems of stablecoin protocols, positive externality and integration problems.
Mars Ecosystem’s mechanism design integrates all these goals and problems to give a new
answer. This new mechanism has the potential to become a leader in the stablecoin market.

Host: Yups! Last Question at 1st Segment about Mars Event 5. I recently heard that Mars Ecosystem is preparing for the Genesis events and starting its own stablecoin. Can you tell us the details?

Koh: The stablecoin module of Mars Ecosystem will be launched on BSC soon, and a “Genesis” will be held at the same time. The purpose of this Genesis is to incentivise the minting of USDM and to distribute XMS to the early supporters of USDM for free. The duration of Genesis is 30 days. A series of “Genesis Events” will be held during this rollout.
Basic rules for Genesis Events are:
Duration: Each Genesis Event lasts for a few hours.
USDM Mintage Cap: There is a cap on the maximum amount of USDM that can be minted in each Genesis Event. In the case of oversubscription, all participating users will share the USDM mintage quota based on their subscription amount.
USDM mintage cost: 1 USD.
Whitelisted assets for minting USDM: BUSD.
XMS requirement for participation: To commit a certain amount of BUSD to participate in the minting of USDM, a user must stake a certain amount of XMS proportionately. The staked XMS can be claimed a period of time after the Genesis Event ends.

Segment 3 – Questions from Twitter community

@tammazain13: I’ve been staking Cake Earn to XMS on MarsSwap, why to get rewards you have to use vesting. Can you explain the vesting mechanism on Mars ?

Koh: At Mars Farms, we do not charge any entry or exit fee, only standard BSC gas fees apply.

The XMS tokens rewarded to users for mining are released linearly, to benefit and support the long-term development of the project.

Our team, institutional investors and IDO participants are all tied to the project for the long term, and our XMS grants are released linearly as follows.

Mars Team’s XMS tokens will be released linearly for 36 months from the start of Genesis Launch (approximately one month later).

XMS tokens for institutional investors will be released linearly for 18 months from Genesis Launch (approximately one month later).

IMO participants’ tokens will be released linearly for six months starting June 15th.

It is worth mentioning that the lock-up helped our IMO users to hold the XMS tokens, and many users already achieved a return of more than 20 times.

In line with the same goal to onboard and retain long-term supporters of the Mars Ecosystem, the XMS rewards earned by users in Farms & Pools will be released linearly within 6 months (released every 3 days after the user Harvest).

We hope that through this design, XMS tokens can be distributed to the true long-term supporters of the Mars Ecosystem in a sustainable way.

But users can always unstake their funds at any moment instantly.

Also, users can claim the BNB/BTC/ETH/CAKE rewards directly and instantly without vesting!

Join now:

@vuotnam: What are the benefits of participating in Genesis and holding USDM?


1.Users can Stake USDM Earn XMS and enjoy xxxx%+ APR
2.Users can exchange USDM for other tokens on Marsswap

@asiasique: What makes stakes in the Mars Ecosystem different from other DeFi platforms? like Pancakes and other platforms ?

Koh: The Mars ecosystem be it Farms or Pools, has a relatively high APR compared to other platforms.

In addition, the Mars ecosystem also has a new economic mechanism for farms/pools to be more sustainable and pools are not easy to collapse. In this way, users can get higher profits in the long term.

@kimdongo0: Maybe a lot people to curious to this, 4. XMS stakes earn BTC or ETH. No other platform has ever done this. Why does Mars Ecosystem choose BTC or ETH as income? And where does the income from this pool come from?

Koh: Yes! This is an innovative design of Mars Ecosystem, because we want to give the best&most exciting return to our community members. At present, only 25M addresses are believed to be economically active wallets that belong to $BTC owners. But now, as long as you hold $XMS, you can become one of them. Mars team uses this method to give back a lot of revenue to our early supports. We look forward to establishing a longer-term strategic binding with all XMS holders and building our

Mars ecosystem with everyone.

Join the pool now:

Mars Ecosystem understands that community support is a key factor in determining whether Mars Ecosystem’s grand vision can be realized. So we always try our best to provide our users with the best investment opportunities, the highest return.

We launched yield farming in September. The revenue of Mars Ecosystem comes from Interest generated by asset which has been staked on Mars platform by our users and Swap transaction fees.

And our team firmly believes that users are the foundation of project development. Therefore,we currently rewards XMS stakers in the form of BTC, BNB, ETH, CAKE with 90% of the income via the XMS staking Pool, and 10% of the remaining income goes to DAO Treasury to support the development of the project and its MKT.

xiaom91: Can you explain about the details of Farms/Pools, which went live on MarsSwap?

Koh: Our Defi platform provides single token pools and LP pools,users can stake XMS and other tokens to earn blue chip assets easily and with high APR.

We officially launched Farms/Pools in September, and TVL has now reached close to $600 million in just two months. Eight single token pools and 14 LP pools such as XMS, CAKE, BNB, and BTC with 400+% APR. Among them, XMS-BNB LP APR once exceeded 2000%.

The token allocation of the CAKE and LP pools shows that we attach great importance to our community, 65% of the total supply of XMS will be distributed to the community in the form of community incentives and staking rewards.

After increasing CAKE rewards again on November 5th, the daily rewards for users are now
15,500 CAKE + 260 #BNB + 0.25 #BTC + 3.5 #ETH = $500,000

Segment 3 – Questions from Mars Ecosystem Community (ID)

Club 27: I saw the latest Mars Ecosystem update. Already allocated $14.9 Million for the XMS Staker. What are the real goals and benefits by allocating such large funds?

Koh: Mars Ecosystem firmly believes that users are the foundation of development, So we currently reward XMS stakers in the form of BTC, BNB, ETH, CAKE with 90% of the income via the XMS staking Pool, the remaining income goes to our DAO Treasury which supports the development of the project and its MKT.

User satisfaction is the goal and motivation of the Mars Ecosystem team.

Jamesz: Mars Ecosystem has USDM stablecoin. Can this USDM be purchased on Mars Swap or other Dex exchanges? And is there any benefit to holding USDM, for which USDM is a stable coin?

Koh: USDM cannot be purchased on Marsswap, you must participate in the Genesis Event program.

The details can be seen here:
English version:
Indonesia Version:

And what are the Benefits of USDM:
• You can Stake USDM Earn XMS and enjoy xxxx%+ APR
• You can exchange USDM for other tokens on Marsswap

Daily Quest: DeFi often means risk. So how does the Mars Ecosystem deal with potential risks?

Koh: As we promised, ensuring the safety of user assets is our top priority.
We attach a great importance to the attack vectors that our innovations may bring, and for this we have conducted multiple tests.

First of all, our smart contracts are audited by the best security auditors in the world: Certik and SlowMist.

Certik and Slowmist Audit Reports of Mars Ecosystem are already out, you can check the link below:

Zap those bugs and get bug bounty hunting, & you can earn yourself $60,000! Check the details:

Joker & Mother: Why do XMS rewards have a vesting schedule?

Koh: Currently, the Mars ecosystem’s farm has been doing well since its launch, with TVL reaching $600 million in 70 days, but the price of our XMS, as you can see, is constantly rising. This demonstrates the rationality and advantages of our vesting schedule.

In addition, I would like to share with you another case, Filecoin, because they also have a linear release mechanism, and the community’s consensus and cohesion are strong, that they have achieved such a huge success.

Fadhly Arifin: What is the current size of the Mars Ecosystem community?

Koh: Currently, we are promoting Mars Ecosystem through Telegram, Twitter, Discord and other social media channels. 130,000 followers on Twitter, 90,000 in the TG global community. Besides, we also have Chinese, Indonesian, Vietnamese, Thai, Turkish, Russia, Portuguese, and French communities. And will continue to explore other overseas markets.

After winning the Monthly Star of BSC MBVIII, we also started a joint Staking campaign with BSC. During the campaign, the first 100 NEW USERS to stake more than $1000 XMS in Mars Ecosystem’s BNB, BTCB, ETH, CAKE Pool and hold it more than 2 weeks can win $200 worth of XMS — the total prize pool is equal to $20,000!!!
Join now:
Specific campaign details can be found at

Here is our contact information:

DAPP homepage:

🌎 Website:
🐦 Twitter:
🤖 Discord:
📝 Medium:
📍 Telegram :

Thank you for listening and participating in this AMA!
If you like what you hear, and wish to join us we will welcome you into our community.

Let’s build a safer, more profitable space for all Defi Enthusiasts!

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