Bitcoin News

Experience with Bitcoin and Ethereum In a single week, IDR 14.8 trillion is expelled from centralized exchanges.

In the span of one week, both Bitcoin and Ethereum experienced a significant outflow of IDR 14.8 trillion from centralized exchanges. This occurrence indicates a noteworthy movement of these two prominent cryptocurrencies away from exchanges and into other storage options or decentralized platforms. Let’s delve into this topic further in eight paragraphs. cryptoiz forum : […]

News Trading

What is Bittrex and the Controversy?

Not long ago, the crypto exchange Bittrex was sued by regulators in the US, so what is Bittrex and its controversies? The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has accused crypto exchange Bittrex of operating as a national stock exchange, broker and clearing house in violation of federal law. Former CEO Bill Shihara and […]


South Korean Crypto Exchange Employee Arrested, Allegedly Involved In Bribery

A former employee at Coinone, one of South Korea’s top five cryptocurrency exchanges, was arrested on charges of accepting bribes in exchange for listing certain cryptocurrencies on the platform in 2020. Reporting from Yahoo Finance, the Seoul Southern District Prosecutors’ Office revealed that the former employee, identified by the surname Jeon, received USD 1.47 million […]


The Deputy Minister of Trade Joins in Opening Voices on 3 Maladministrations of Bappebti Regarding the Crypto Exchange

Deputy Minister of Trade Jerry Sambuaga also opened his voice regarding the findings of the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia regarding 3 maladministrations carried out by the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (Bappebti). This relates to PT Digital Future Exchange’s crypto exchange permit, where violations are suspected in the form of protracted delays, procedural […]

Berita Bitcoin

Coinbase Telah Disetujui Untuk Memasuki Market Cryptocurrency Jepang

Coinbase sekarang sudah terdaftar sebagai exchange mata uang crypto untuk beroperasi di Jepang. Regulator keuangan disana telah menyetujui Coinbase untuk memperdagangkan 5 cryptocurrency. Financial Services Agency (FSA) Jepang mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mendaftarkan Coinbase sebagai penyedia layanan exchange crypto berdasarkan Fund Settlement Act (Undang-undang penyelesaian Dana) yang sudah direvisi. Menurut FSA, Coinbase disetujui untuk memperdagangkan […]

Berita Bitcoin

Coinbase Akan Mendirikan Kantor di New York

Coinbase yang merupakan exchange cryptocurrency terbesar di Amerika Serikat, dilaporkan akan mendirikan kantor pertamanya di New York.  Exchange cryptocurrency yang terdaftar di Nasdaq diduga telah menyewakan 30.000 kaki persegi dari perusahaan investasi Steven Cohen Point72 di 55 Hudson Yards Perusahaan Terkait di New York, New York Post melaporkan pada hari Minggu. Mengutip sumber dari perusahaan real estat, […]

Berita Bitcoin

Thailand Melarang Koin Meme, Fan Token, NFT Dari Trading di Exchange Crypto

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) Thailand telah mengumumkan bahwa dewan direksinya telah menyetujui aturan baru yang mengatur exchange mata uang crypto. Sekretaris Jenderal Ruenvadee Suwanmongkol menyatakan bahwa rapat dewan yang diadakan pada tanggal 9 Juni telah mengeluarkan resolusi yang menyetujui Notifikasi SEC No. Kor Thor. 18/2564, yang menetapkan aturan. Exchange aset digital dilarang “menyediakan layanan yang […]

Berita Bitcoin

FBI Menangkap 6 Anggota Free Keene Yang Mengoperasikan Cryptocurrency Exchange Ilegal

Enam orang yang terlibat dengan gerakan Free Keene telah ditangkap dan didakwa karena diduga mengoperasikan bisnis pertukaran cryptocurrency ilegal. “Mereka menjalankan bisnis pertukaran mata uang virtual mereka menggunakan situs web, serta mengoperasikan mesin ATM mata uang virtual di New Hampshire,” kata Departemen Kehakiman AS (DOJ). DOJ mengumumkan bahwa mereka telah mendakwa enam penduduk New Hampshire dengan […]

Berita Bitcoin

Top Crypto Exchange Mengalami Kesulitan Setelah Berita Tesla, Mendorong Bitcoin Trading Frenzy

Beberapa exchange mata uang kripto terbesar mengalami masalah teknis pada hari Senin setelah pengumuman Tesla (TSLA) tentang investasi bitcoin senilai $ 1,5 miliar melihat harga naik ke level tertinggi baru di atas $ 47.000. Menurut halaman status dan tweet untuk Binance , Gemini dan Kraken , platform telah mengalami kesulitan di web dan seluler menyusul lonjakan permintaan bandwidth dari para pedagang. […]