business Generative AI

Apple dilaporkan mendekati OpenAI untuk mengembangkan fitur AI untuk iPhone

Apple dilaporkan sedang mencari mitra teknologi besar untuk membantu menopang penawaran kecerdasan buatan (AI) yang lesu, dengan fokus khusus untuk meningkatkan kemampuan iPhone.  Berdasarkan laporan dari Bloomberg yang mengutip berbagai sumber, Apple dan OpenAI sedang berdiskusi mendalam mengenai integrasi lebih lanjut teknologi AI generatif di iOS. Namun, laporan sebelumnya juga menunjukkan bahwa Apple masih mencari Google sebagai mitra cloud […]

Generative AI

UN Spearheads Global Collaboration to Tackle AI Challenges: Tech Titans and Nations Unite for Regulatory Solutions

The United Nations has just launched a big effort to deal with the challenges that come with regulating artificial intelligence (AI). This move was revealed by the UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, on Thursday, Oct. 26. The group working on this includes 39 members with various backgrounds, such as tech leaders, government officials from different countries […]

Generative AI

Dismantling Deepfakes: OpenAI’s New Tool Marks a 99% Success Rate in Combatting AI Deception

OpenAI, known for its advancements in generative AI, has revealed a new deepfake detection tool designed to tackle the surge of misleading content on social media. Presented at the Wall Street Journal’s Tech Live conference in Laguna Beach, California, OpenAI’s Chief Technology Officer, Mira Murati, unveiled the tool claiming it can reliably identify AI-produced images […]