Education Education Blockchain Education Crypto Education Web3

Encouraging Web3 Adoption in India, Algorand Foundation Announces Education Program for Students!

Reporting from Cointelegraph, recently the Algorand Foundation announced several partnerships in India, including collaborations with schools to develop educational programs to help develop Web3 in the country. What is Algorand doing to drive Web3 adoption in India? Check out the full news below! Algorand Foundation Collaborates With 2 Universities To Launch Web3 Education Program. According […]


Bappebti Collaborates with Aspakrindo to Strengthen Crypto Education & Supervision

The Commodity Futures Trading Regulatory Agency (Bappebti) of the Ministry of Trade officially cooperates with the Indonesian Crypto Asset Traders Association (Aspakrindo) to optimize the development, empowerment and supervision of the ecosystem for organizing crypto asset physical market trading in Indonesia. The collaboration between the two parties was formalized through the signing of a cooperation […]


Hal yang Harus Anda Ketahui Seputar Dunia Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency makin diperbincangkan pasca meningkatnya berbagai jenis uang virtual seperti Bitcoin mulai banyak diminati sebagai investasi karena nilainya yang terus meningkat secara fluktuatif. Biasakan Untuk dibaca terlebih dahulu! Jangan malas membaca! Apa itu cryptocurrency ? Artian simple dari crptocurrency yaitu sebuah mekanisme mata uang digital yang dapat digunakan untuk bertransaksi secara virtual (melalui jaringan internet) yang dilindungi […]