Basic Blockchain Education Blockchain

Mendalami Teknologi Cara kerja Blockchain

Dalam era digital yang berkembang pesat, teknologi blockchain telah menjadi sorotan utama. Dengan potensinya untuk merevolusi berbagai industri, pemahaman mendalam tentang cara kerjanya menjadi semakin penting. 1. Struktur Data Terdesentralisasi: Blockchain adalah struktur data terdesentralisasi yang terdiri dari blok-blok yang saling terhubung. Setiap blok berisi sejumlah transaksi, dan setiap transaksi memiliki tanda tangan digital yang […]

Basic Blockchain Blockchain Security Education Blockchain

Mengungkap Misteri Blockchain Teknologi yang Mengubah Dunia

Blockchain Istilah ini mungkin sudah akrab di telinga kita, terutama di era digital yang semakin berkembang. Tetapi, apa sebenarnya yang membuat teknologi ini begitu menarik dan mengubah cara kita berpikir tentang data dan transaksi Bayangkan sebuah buku besar digital, tetapi bukan hanya buku besar biasa. Ini adalah buku besar yang terdesentralisasi dan terdistribusi, yang berarti […]

Blockchain Education Blockchain

WIR Group dan Sampoerna University Bakal Pakai Ijazah Berbasis Blockchain

PT Wir Asia Tbk (WIR Group) melalui anak perusahaannya, Nusameta resmi berkolaborasi dengan Sampoerna University dalam memanfaatkan teknologi blockchain dalam sektor pendidikan.  Salah satu kasus penggunaannya adalah dengan melakukan autentifikasi ijazah dengan teknologi blockchain. Lantas apa manfaat autentikasi ijazah berbasis blockchain dibandingkan ijazah biasa? Adapun Group Chief Sales and Marketing Officer WIR Group, Gupta Sitorus menuturkan adopsi […]

Education Blockchain

The collaboration between Tokocrypto and IDNFT raises Web3 and Blockchain Education

In an innovative partnership, Tokocrypto, a crypto exchange in Indonesia, and IDNFT, as a community of NFT enthusiasts, joined forces to launch the Web3 on Campus program. This initiative aims to provide opportunities for students to explore and understand the potential of Web3, NFT, crypto, and blockchain in various fields of study and support the […]

defi Education Education Blockchain Education Crypto

Increasing Profits with Crypto Staking: Get to Know Innovative Applications to Reach the Best Potential

In the ever-evolving crypto world, there are many ways to optimize the returns on your crypto investments. One increasingly popular method is crypto staking, where you can earn rewards by storing and validating transactions on the blockchain network. What is Staking? Staking is locking crypto assets into a blockchain network to earn passive income without […]

Education Education Blockchain Education Crypto Education Web3

Encouraging Web3 Adoption in India, Algorand Foundation Announces Education Program for Students!

Reporting from Cointelegraph, recently the Algorand Foundation announced several partnerships in India, including collaborations with schools to develop educational programs to help develop Web3 in the country. What is Algorand doing to drive Web3 adoption in India? Check out the full news below! Algorand Foundation Collaborates With 2 Universities To Launch Web3 Education Program. According […]

Education Education Blockchain Education Crypto Ethereum

How to Read Crypto Transactions on Etherscan? Explained!

Etherscan is a block explorer and crypto analysis platform. The tool allows users to monitor and examine the crypto assets, balances, and transactions on the Ethereum network. Etherscan makes it simple to engage with smart contracts and check gas prices. The Ethereum foundation does not provide funding for Etherscan, which is an independent organization. The Ethereum blockchain is mostly […]

Education Blockchain News Tesnet

🔰 New Testnet Permaswap 🔰

Reward : Confirmed 📂 Download wallet ArConnect: 👉 Link Testnet: 👉 Get Test Token : 👉 Task & Tutorial: Task nya cuman swap swap aja bang sama add lp. isi gleam dulu buat dapetin faucet tokennya

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